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The market in which participants are able to buy, sell, exchange and speculate on currencies. The forex markets is made up of banks, commercial companies, central banks, investment management firms, hedge funds, and retail forex brokers and investors.

What is the Secret to Making a lot of Money in Forex ?

  • First it is to identify the currency that has the biggest chance to appreciate.

  • Second it is to identify the currency that has the biggest chance to depreciate.

  • Third is to match those two.

The Winning Strategy Is . . . The Simplest One !

There are many losing traders in this business. They think that they must be different, innovative and original to succeed. Yes, all that may be true, but unfortunately for them they choose an approach that is far too complicated. Being different and original does not mean that you have to use the more complicated system! Keep it simple. All the top traders will tell you that trading is easy. The famous trader Dan Zanger trades nothing else but a triangle pattern and he turned 10,000 dollars into 42 million in 23 months!

Another top trader, Larry Williams, (blog) trades well-known patterns. People wouldn't believe he could make a fortune trading simple patterns. He turned 10,000 dollars into one million and won the World Cup Championship. He taught his daughter Michelle Williams (biography) how to trade and she won the same competition when she was sixteen! Sceptics asked him to repeat these amazing results and he did.

Don't believe ? - Just Google it and see for yourself!

Most people are trying to succeed with help of sophisticated software and extremely complicated trading strategies. They sit in front of a computer screen all the day, but they still end up with losing trades. On the other hand, there are also some 'lazy' traders who trade a simple pattern once a day. They wake up, send an order to their broker in one minute and go swimming. They earn thousands every day and we call them top traders.

What a joke !

Scientists are continually trying to understand the Universe and they build theories that become incredibly complicated. As new experiments are carried out and new results are proven, they can succumb to the temptation to fit these results into their theories, rather than changing their theoretical assumptions to fit the results! Sometimes the whole theory fails. Experience has shown that the simplest theories survive. Never forget the rule of

Occam's Razor:

    If you have two theories that both explain the observed facts, then you should use the simplest one until more evidence comes along;

    Scientists must use the simplest means of arriving at their results and exclude everything not perceived by the senses;

    If you have two equally likely solutions to a problem, choose the simplest;

    The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct;

    The simplest explanation that covers all the facts is usually the best;

    Keep things simple!

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein.

Occam's Razor philosophy is applied to many areas such as biology, medicine, religion, statistics... and of course Forex Trading. Too often currency traders spend so much time trying to understand a system that is so mathematically complex, that they never get to apply it. teach a system that is easy to learn and put into practice, right out of the box. A complex theory of Forex Trading is not what day traders need; they need an empirical system that works and has been proven to work, over and over again. That is exactly what you have here in your hands now, a tool that works. . . . .

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Not being idle

Whilst I await response to my emails.

Decided to help myself by watching the "Alpari MetaTrader 4 Tutorials".

MT 4 Tips

MetaTrader 4 is an extremely robust and efficient way to manage your investing. This video will demonstrate some of the platform features and will help you understand how you can start to customize the platform for your own trading. I will cover the following topics in the video.

1. Exchange rates are quoted to the 5th decimal for most forex pairs and to the third decimal place on JPY quoted pairs. This allows Alpari to offer tight spreads and to increase pricing transparency. The market watch window, account reports, order entry screens and charts will all display quote information this way.

2. The charts in MetaTrader 4 will auto scroll by default to show the most recent price action. However, when you are doing specialized analysis, you may want to turn this feature on and off. In the video I will show you how to adjust this feature.

3. The bid price is shown on the charts but depending on the pair and your trading style you may want to be able to see the ask price as well. In the video I will show you how to add the ask price to any forex pair's chart.

4. Alpari offers a wide selection of pairs to trade. Depending on your trading style and interests you may want to expand or restrict the list of symbols displayed in the MetaTrader 4 application. In this video I will demonstrate how to expand or shrink the list of forex pairs listed in the platform.

Trade Window

Entering a trade is the most critical function a forex investor can perform on the MetaTrader 4 platform. This video presentation will provide all the background you need to make sure you understand how the trade tab works and some tips for making the most efficient use of the platform. I will cover the following topcis.

1. How to adjust your trade size from micro to full 100K lots.
2. Monitoring your pending orders and advanced order entry functionality including trailing stops, stop losses and take profit levels.
3. What the "maximum deviation" function is and how to use it during extreme market volatility.

Platform Management

Monitoring your account over the long term is a critical way to understand what you are doing well as a trader and what you may need to work on. The account reporting tools in MetaTrader 4 are easy to access and to use. This presentation will answer some of the most important questions users have about the account management and reporting tools including the following topics.

1. Using the trade reports and account history tabs and customizing the information to suit your own personal style.
2. Changing system passwords for your security and convenience.
3. How to make your work more efficent by creating and using chart templates and platform profiles.

Indicators and EAs

 Two of the most exciting features on the MetaTrader 4 application, especially for advanced users, is the ability to create and install custom indicators and expert advisors. This presentation will cover some of the basics for installing an indicator or expert advisor and how to make sure they are applied correctly. I will cover the following topics in the video.

1. Downloading and installing a custom indicator.
2. Downloading and installing an expert advisor.
3. How to tell if your expert advisor or custom indicator is attached to the chart correctly and activated.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

First Job Today

MetaTrader Shortcut List on a "Post It"

F1 Help
F2 History Center (centre)
F3 Global Variables
F4 Meta Quotes Language Editor
F6 Strategy Tester
F7 EA Properties
F8 Properties
F9 New Order
F11 Full Screen
F12 Step by Step

CTRL + D Data Window
CTRL + G Remove Grid
CTRL = I Indicator
CTRL + M Market Watch
CTRL + N Navigator
CTRL + R Strategy Tester
CTRL + T Terminal

Don't like writing in American English – Makes me forget my native tongue – English - Needs must !

Most strange – my Optimization Graph differs from the picture – I wonder why ?

optimisation 1

You Plonker Rodney – you've only gone and changed Range_Hours instead of Range_Start

plonker 1

Not covered in the manual  What do you do with it - Do you save it - If so so where ?

save as

tester file came up as default - I decided rightly or wrongly to play safe and create a My Tests Folder with my own file name.  IT  WOULDN'T  SAVE - eeny meeny miny moe - IT  WON'T  SAVE  ANYWHERE - cancel - SHoneT !!!

Do I click the Run button ?  More SHoneTE . . . . . . . . . . it's not exactly user friendly - this manual.

Close my eyes - press OK - wait for the bang ! - optimize (optimise) again - whilst I write here.

I just don't believe it ! That's it I'm going for a cup of tea.

optimisation 2


For some unknown reason . . . The Breakout_EA won't stay put . . . whilst I am trying to change the second - the first changes ! - HIT THE RESET BUTTON - Still No Good !

Looks like an email to support.

Sent; Chapter 1V.1 - set the parameters - where do I save ? - do I load ? Thu, May 20, 2010 12:09:43 AM

the process of modifying the parameters is explained in detail in; Chapter II: How to customize your DailyEA Thu, May 20, 2010 8:20:31 PM

Reply; With respect there is No Mention of the SAVE & LOAD BUTTONS anywhere. Thu, May 20, 2010 11:51:46 PM

Received; thank you, we will save the set of parameters and make it easy to download with the next update. Fri, May 21, 2010 4:10:40 PM

Reply; English is not your native tongue - is it ? Fri, May 21, 2010 5:25:22 PM

Watch This Space

Tuesday 18 May 2010


Just a matter of checking everything is as should be.  HOWEVER . . . The model  DID  need changing to . . . Open Prices Only.


    * Initial Deposit - 10,000.00 -   1,000.00 -    500.00 -    100,000.00
    * Gross Profit  - 118,542.20 - 11,854.22 - 5,927.11 - 1,185,422.00
    * Gross Loss      - 77,559.00 -  7,755.90 - 3,877.95 -    775,590.00
    * Nett Profit       - 40,983.20  - 4,098.32 - 2,049.16 -    409,832.00

At first glance looks pretty good - Looking closer  at the period - 1st January 2009 > 1st May 2010 = 17 months . . Ughh

Decided to run it for a year - 1st May 2009 > 1st May 2010 = 12 months

    * Initial Deposit - 10,000.00 - 1,000.00 -    500.00 -   100,000.00
    * Gross Profit -    80,319.90 - 8,031.99 - 4,016.00 -   803,199.00
    * Gross Loss -     51,736.50 - 5,173.65 - 2,586.83 -  517,365. 00
    * Nett Profit -      28,583.40 - 2,858.34 - 1,429.17 -   285,834.00

Move the decimal point the other way  WOW !

As I already knew - The more Money you have - The easier it is to make Money !

OK . . . Not a very good  wage  for a years work, if you only started with  500.00  Not even that good if you started with 10K !

HOWEVER . . . Do the sums . . . 38583.4 / 10000 x 100 = 385.8 %  R.O.I . . . Which is the same regardless of your investment !


AND . . Only spent 260 minutes working (52 x 5 x 1) out of 525,600 (365 x 24 x 60)  That's a lot of  FREE  time to enjoy.  Next year will be starting with 1400 - 28,500 and the year after . . . . . ?

You would  NEVER  want to spend any - knowing what you are loosing.  Easy to see why the rich are so tight with their money.

THE  SOLUTION - The Holy Grail System That Can Take You From 0 to 1 Million Very Quickly

To start at the beginning - Chapter One - The Good News and the Good News - Recommended

MY  CONCLUSION . . . What ever amount of money (equity) you have got . . . It should be working for you  AND  not tied up in a property or fancy car.  I wish they had taught me this at school.  They won't - cos!